
ESS 314: Geophysics (Fall 2023)

Undergraduate course, University of Washington

This is an undergraduate-level course from Department of Earth and Space Sciences. We introduce theories underlying geophysical phenomena including seismic wave generation and propagation, the Earth’s magnetic, gravity, and electrical fields, heat and heat flow, buoyancy and density of Earth materials, plate tectonics on the Earth. As the TA, I was responsible for leading the lab, grading homeworks, and holding office hours. I redesigned the lab fully into open-source Python softwares for data modeling (seismic, gravity and magnetic). I also made the lab integrated with the auto-grader through GradeScope using otter-grader.

The lab material is available at https://github.com/UW-geophysics-edu/ESS314-fall23. The auto-grader source file will be available upon request.

Cloud Computing 101 for Seismology (May 2024)

Workshop course, SSA Annual Meeting and NSF-SCOPED Workshop

This workshop course provides hands-on cloud computing practice for seismologists. Basic concepts about cloud computing and the service providers are introduced. Participants are provided opportunities and tutorials to launch their own virtual machines on AWS. The working environment and a Jupyter lab is configured through a pre-built Docker image. Participants are leaded to run a simple workflow, which reads S3-hosted SCEDC/NCEDC data, performs STA/LTA trigger, and writes the results into a common database.

The course material is available on the HPS Book.